
We are a local coffee shop dedicated to bringing you quality crafted goods. Coffee is a ritual taken very seriously around the world, and we acknowledge that in every cup that we make. That is why we get our coffee beans from Fair Trade USD approved coffee farms where the coffee is grown and cared by professionals.

Then we roast the beans in-house to control all of the complex chemical reactions that transform the floral green bean into the rich golden brown coffee bean we use to create the perfect cup of coffee every time.

We are located on the Guilford Green on the corner of Whitfield & Water.
85 Whitfield St. Guilford, CT 06437

"Working in the Guilford community for the past 29 years has provided us a unique opportunity to get to know the area teenagers, watch them grow and build beautiful lives of their own. They keep us young. Kids need a place to belong - they are Guilford too." CLW

Cilantro Specialty Foods was founded in 1990 by Jonathan & Cindy Wallace.

Pictured here with sons Justin, Connor and Austin.